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Nokia c3 Game Bobby Carrot 4

New in Bobby Carrot 4:Bobby now has a lawnmower that he can drive. There are also hidden Bonus
Coins in every level, with them you can buy new stuff in a shop, like
racing boots, new background music, a coin scanner or new Levelpacks.

Before getting back to his carrot crunching ways in Bobby Carrot 5, the adventurous rabbit staring getting into Flower Power. No, he didn't sell all his worldly possessions and become a hippy, instead he merely started putting plants in the ground instead of pulling them back out again.

As you walk Bobby around the various levels of the game, he can move over seed holes, causing a flower to sprout and grow. However, you must be careful when doing this, as once a flower has grown, you will be unable walk back over its location. As completing a level requires you to sprout all the flowers and get to the exit, it's vitally important that you don't get stuck along the way. If you do, you'll have to restart the level and try again.

Bobby has infinite lives, so don't worry about him getting stuck too many times or getting killed by walking on spikes too often, because you can just keep going back and trying again. What's most important is that you'll want to try again, as it's the sort of game where you don't mind learning from your mistakes.
In addition to planting flowers, Bobby can also uncover hidden coins within levels. These are usually kept under areas of tall grass, and can be uncovered by riding over said area in a lawnmower (provided you've picked up the gas can for that lawnmower first). The coins can be spent on bonus items in the Bazaar, such as more levels, special boots to make Bobby move faster, and even a radar to help him locate further coins. On occasion, you'll also be invited to the casino, where you can bet your previously won coins on a simple game of chance.

In an ideal world, you'll want to scour the level thoroughly, planting every seed, mowing every piece of tall ground and collecting every coin. While on a number of levels this shouldn't be too difficult, there will be instances where you're left feverishly scratching your head trying to work out just how to do things. You may even just wind up cutting your losses and choosing to just complete the level. It's a shame that you can't go back and replay a level after you've completed it, save for starting a new game and doing all of them again.

The cartoonish style of the graphics shouldn't put you off from what's ultimate a very playable and quite cerebral game. However, the rather jolly music, while good, is based switched off when you're trying to rack your brain for a feasible solution that doesn't seem to be forthcoming. All in all, this is a decent game that will both challenge and entertain players

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