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Nokia c3 Game mega tower assault

The shores are being invaded and the base must be protected. Various towers and units are at the player’s disposal as they repel the invaders. The invaders are not without their own technology, however, as they will be sending the best they have to offer in the form ofbombers, tanks and soldiers. Experience intense fun with this streamlined tower defense game that brings impressive innovations to the genre with neutral units, touch controls, leaderboards and interactive maps.

* Streamlined tower defense gameplay with 8 different towers to build and upgrade or capture.
* 8 different enemies from soldier to paratrooper plane.
* Control neutral units to help defend your base.
* Up to 12 large interactive maps in 4 settings: Beach, snow, platform and lava.
* Polished graphics with explosion and weather effects.
* A leaderboard for each map and rewards (gallery of the units).

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