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Nokia c3 Game Solid Weapon 3

If you've ever experienced a Metal Gear Solid game on consoles, you might get a slight feeling of déjà vu while playing Solid Weapon. In fact, we can almost picture theMGS little cartoon exclamation mark appearing above (series creator) Hideo Kojima's head, accompanied by that familiar 'alert' sound effect, were he ever to pick this game up.

Take the familiar secret base and jungle environments, the main character in camouflage and his name (or his special ops organisation's name, we can't figure out which) which just happens to be RedFox. That's a bit close to Snakey's Foxhound unit if you ask us.

Mr RedFox also counts amongst his special skills being able to sidle along walls and tap them to make a noise so as to attract patrolling guards. Sounds familiar, right? If spotted – yes, you've guessed it – an exclamation mark appears above their heads and you have a limited time to get away. Oh, and an onscreen radar shows you what each guard can see, using a cone of light to show the range of their vision and the direction they're facing.

Then again, it's perhaps a little unfair to simply describe Solid Weapon as a mobile Metal Gear Solid, not least when plenty of other stealth games have spawned from the PSone classic. Obviously, Solid Weapon has distinct differences – it's just a shame that the biggest one is how difficult it is to play.

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