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Nokia c3 Game Bionic Commando

If Bionic Commando teaches us one thing, it's that having gadgetry physically attached to our bodies can only be a good thing. Commando's hero, Nathan Spencer ('Rad' to friends), has a grappling hook fixed into a bionic arm, enabling him to swing from ledge to ledge with dexterity and speed. It'd certainly make trolley dodging at your local Tesco a lot easier, being able to branch from aisle to aisle while the rest of us contend with the masses below, but I'm not sure it's an operation you're likely to find on the NHS.
Regardless, enhancing what you already have is a good metaphor forBionic Commando, full stop. Like Spencer's mechanised arm, Rearmed is an enhanced re-imagining of something that already existed - in this case, 1980s classic Bionic Commando. But fear not, no prior knowledge of Spencer's previous adventures is needed -this is a full, standalone remake for the mobile, and it has much to offer.

In Rearmed, just as in the original, it's commando Nathan's job to rescue agent Super Joe from the clutches of an Imperial Army looking to piece together a super weapon. Doing so is a matter of zipping through 2D levels, taking out imperials and gaining vital bits of information from neutrals along the way.

In terms of actual play, Bionic Commando's lifeblood is using the grappling hook to climb and swing your way about levels. Unlike many other action titles out there, Nathan can't actually jump, meaning the only way you can traverse your way through the sometimes top heavy levels of Rearmed is to fire your hook towards ledges above you, either to climb or to swing across pitfalls.

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