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Nokia c3 Game centipedes

There's a raft of multi-limbed hoodlums from the insect world ready to make a human's life a misery, from wasps to ants to spiders, to name but three. There's one in particular, though – a creature that has a reputation of links with the macabre, yet one clever enough to keep a far lower profile than the creepy crawlies we've already mentioned.

We refer of course to the centipede, the Amazonian species of which moves like grease lightning, is venomous, and packs a nasty bite that can be fatal. And, for the record, even the better-known western European variants found here in Blighty will bite if they're sufficiently provoked.

Clearly, centipedes are actually quite fearsome little beasties. It's something that gamers of yesteryear are more than aware of, having played Atari's classic shooter Centipede. Now mobile players can also see nature's multi-limbed silent assassin in action, thanks to this update from Glu.

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