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Nokia c3 Game DChoc Cafe Solitaire

With 12 solitaire games in 1 – including popular Klondike, Freecell, Spiderette, Pyramid and more! Café Solitaire is the only solitaire you need! Also, create and name your own virtual game café, and then invite your friends to join. Combine café points you and your friends earn to upgrade your cafe and win awards! Customize a character to represent you in the café including looks, clothing and more! Even choose how your playing cards look!

  • 12 different solitaire games, plus an unlockable thirteenth bonus game!
  • Games include Scorpion, Beleaguered Castle, Yukon, Golf, Pyramid, Seven Sisters and more!
  • Intuitive double click, move revealing and auto-move controls
  • In-game tutorials to learn each solitaire version
  • Three different themes to personalize your card decks
  • Track stats and compare awards with friends!
  • Create cafes with friends, upgrade your café and win awards!

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