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Nokia c3 Game Moto Racing Fever 3D

The dangers of motorbike racing are painfully obvious. The faintest touch of wheels between riders will send both flying into oblivion, tank-slappers are common and as brutal as they sound, while misjudging a corner will leave an outstretched man-size hole in the Armco.

Thing is, if you're a fan of velocity then none of the above risks can outweigh the adrenaline rush of taking a bike to its absolute limits.

And what better way to do this than on roads (rather than the track)? Enter 3D Moto Racing Fever, which promises to deliver the inimitable thrill of street racing.

No Valentino Rossi or Suzi Perry here, then. And no safety-oriented outlook, either – there are no helmets and no brakes. Just a Story mode in which the aim is to help Sam Petrol progress and earn status within the biking fraternity, by dodging obstacles, picking up nitro boosts and performing outrageous jumps.

And by beating challengers, of course. Gang leaders and renegades line up in a battle for the streets, and winning against the likes of Flash (the motorbike equivalent of Top Gear's Stig) means you can get yourself known, and thus ride your way further into the game.

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